Shipping | Delivery

IMPORTANT: You have 30 days to report missing or damaged parts.

Depending on the size of your order, your specific delivery method will change. Small accessories will ship through UPS, while larger items such as swing sets, playhouses, and some add-ons, will ship via a freight carrier. Once your order arrives at the closest available freight terminal, you can then arrange a time with the carrier for a delivery appointment. Normally, carriers offer a certain degree of flexibility. However, in instances of lengthy appointment delays, storage fees (which are not covered by Gorilla Playsets) may be required 

In regards to the actual delivery of large orders such as playsets, these will be shipped via Curbside Shipping. This will involve a tractor/trailer and does not include either assembly or packaging removal. We guarantee a safe and secure delivery to your curbside and will require you to be present to assist with the physical placement of your order. Using the phone number you provided to the freight company, they will schedule your delivery appointment. However, under extraordinary delivery requirements such as, but not limited to, low power lines, narrow lanes, tractor trailer restrictions, etc. additional charges may apply. These fees may also apply if you live in a more remote location 

No additional charges will be required for standard freight services as they are prepaid. However, freight services do offer additional help such as yard delivery, inside delivery, lift gate, additional changes etc. These options will possibly accrue additional charges and will vary from location to location. These typically range from $35.00 to $150.00 and can be purchased directly from the carrier. Please note that any such charges are not covered by Gorilla Playsets. For the best experience, please ask the freight company to notify you 30 to 45 minutes in advance to avoid any unnecessary waiting on your end.  

It is imperative to look over your item upon delivery for any potential damage and to have it notated on the bill of lading/delivery receipt that you sign. Since all items are shipped F.O.B., please make sure any damages discovered are initialed by the driver on the report and that you receive a copy of that report. Any and all undocumented damage that resulted from the delivery process will possibly create delays and may prevent your eligibility to receive replacement parts. 



An unfortunate part of the shipping process, there will always be a small chance for damages, defects, and missing parts. In such circumstances we guarantee all parts (correct and functioning properly) will be sent to you as soon as possible. Unless the consignee chooses to pay for the difference in expedited shipping, all orders for replacement parts will be shipped via standard ground delivery, regardless of how they were originally shipped.  

The only reason an item will not be accepted for return is if it was signed and accepted after being delivered via freight truck. However, if the item has not been opened, used or installed and shipping is paid both ways by the customer, it will be accepted for returnIn all other cases you will receive replacement parts for the damaged/missing parts. Just be sure that all receipts and warranties are copied and saved in case they will be required later. 


For All Delivery Types

In instances where an incorrect shipping address was provided which leads to a misdirected delivery Gorilla Playsets is not responsible. Providing a correct delivery address is the responsibility of the customer as well as being present to accept/sign for the delivery. Failure to do so may result in in the delivery being returned to the warehouse. In such cases reasonable attempts will be made to make further delivery arrangements. However, if no dates can be established then a refund of purchase will be provided, excluding the shipping fees that may have been incurred by Gorilla Playsets.  

We strive to establish strong and reliable relationships with our carriers so that orders are shipped in a timely manner. However, this does not guarantee delivery times and can be affected by a number ofdifferent factors such as: 

  • Weather 

  • Holidays 

  • The carrier’s equipment 

  • Your location in relation to our warehouse 

If for whatever reason the delivery was refused (including late deliveries) all funds other than the cost of shipping will be refunded. For more details regarding the shipping process or to receive an accurate quote, please contact us at 800-882-0272 or